Amy Keirstead的大头照

艾米E. Keirstead, Ph值.D.





Dr. “K” is a physical organic chemist who originally hails from the wilds of Nova Scotia, 但自2008年以来,她一直在缅因州和正规澳门赌场网络定居. 两次获得黛布拉·J. 萨默斯卓越教学纪念奖, she has primary taught in the organic chemistry curriculum and is notorious for being very excited about all things O-Chem even during her 8 am lectures. Dr. K has engaged undergraduate students in her research program that uses organic chemistry to learn about the properties of novel materials for nanotechnology applications, and is passionate about incorporating green chemistry into the undergraduate curriculum and student activities, having spearheaded UNE's adoption of the Green Chemistry Commitment in 2018. She works closely with the American Chemical Society (ACS) as a member of the ACS 本科专业 Advisory Board, served as the Faculty Advisor for the award-winning UNE student chapter of the ACS, and serves as the Student Groups Coordinator for the Maine ACS Local Section (MEACS). 

Dr. Keirstead也是文理学院的副院长. 在这个角色中, 她致力于支持学生的学业成功, 监督中国科学院本科生的研究活动, 并与CAS实习等合作机构保持联系, 学术顾问, 本科招生, 学生访问中心, 及学生事务. 请联系Dr. Keirstead to learn more about our programs and opportunities for students (including research), 讨论你作为学生的成功之路, 或者回答一般性问题. 





B.Sc. (荣誉)


  • 学术顾问
  • 适应大学生活
  • 化学教育
  • 度评价
  • 登记管理
  • 绿色化学
  • k - 12外展
  • 有机化学
  • 有机光化学


博士后培养,教授课题组. 德文斯阵风



Currently, three projects are under investigation the Keirstead research group at UNE. Each project employs a photochemical probe reaction that was selected to learn more about the physicochemical properties of ionic liquids. Ionic liquids (ILs) are thought to be "green" alternatives to conventional solvents for chemical processes and could be employed in nanotechnology devices.

1) Quantifying the cage effect of ionic liquids using the photo-Fries reaction.

这个项目的目标是更多地了解il的“笼效应”, 或者ILs如何将物种“限制”在溶剂笼中. A large cage effect could reduce the efficiency of a photovoltaic cell that uses an IL as the electrolyte, 或者影响化学反应的产物分布.

2) Examining the photochromism of spiropyrans in ionic liquids using emission spectroscopy.

To explore the feasibility of using ILs as solvents for molecular devices, 我们正在研究il中螺吡喃光致变色的动力学. Spiropyrans are a class of photochromic "on-off" molecular switches that could be used as molecular electronic devices. We have used emission spectroscopy to show that the dynamics of the switch are slowed in ILs compared to molecular solvents, 由于il的独特性质. 具体地说, our system could be used as a robust two-color (red and blue) emitting molecular switch.

3) Investigating the influence of ionic liquid media on the photoluminescence of siloles (with Jerry Mullin, UNE和汉克·特雷西, 超声电机).

Siloles are a class of substituted silacyclopentadienyl molecules that are thought to have applications as sensors and luminescent optoelectronic devices, e.g., oled. Siloles typically have low fluorescence quantum yields when dissolved in organic solvents, 但在粘性或极性介质中,它们的发射增加. 在这个项目中, we are investigating how the unique properties of ILs influence the photoluminescence of siloles, 反过来, 更多正规澳门赌场网络il的物理化学性质.


Safe and Sustainable Chemistry Activities: Fostering a Culture of Safety in K-12 and Community Outreach Programs. 大炮,.S., Keirstead,.E.哈德逊,R.利维,我.J.麦凯勒,J.M.安德森,K.R.豪森,E.M.  化学教育杂志 2020尽快,.

赖特,米.V.*和 Keirstead,.EInnovation for a 健康ier Student Chapter: Student Activities at the University of New England in Building and Maintaining Award-Winning ACS Student Member Chapters (Chapter 10) Volume 3; 绪,M.J.本韦努托,M.A., Eds. ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2018; Vol 1229, pp 115-125.  (DOI 10.1021/bk-2018-1278.ch010) (*UNE学生)

1,1-Dimethyl-2,3,4,5-tetraphenylsilole as a Molecular Rotor Probe to Investigate the Microviscosity of Imidazolium Ionic Liquids. Scalise, Regina E.*; Caradonna, Peter A.*; Tracy, Henry J.; Mullin, Jerome L.; 艾米·Keirstead著. 无机和有机金属聚合物与材料杂志 2014, 24 (2), 431-441. (*UNE本科生)

Direct observation of spiropyran phosphorescence in imidazolium ionic liquids. 肖恩·诺顿.*; Gaudet, Robyn M.*; Leslie, Anne A.*, 艾米·Keirstead著. 化学物理快报 2013, 556, 102-107.  (*UNE本科生)

光化学三极管分子信号传感器.  艾米·Keirstead著.; Bridgewater, James W.; Terazono, Yuichi; Kodis, Gerdenis; Straight, Stephen; 保罗·里德尔.; Moore, Ana L.; Moore, Thomas A.; Gust, Devens.  美国化学学会杂志 2010, 132(18), 6588-6595.

1-(3'-amino)propylsilatrane derivatives as covalent surface linkers to nanoparticulate metal oxide films for use in photoelectrochemical cells.  布拉德利·布伦南.; 艾米·Keirstead著.; 保罗·里德尔.; Vail, Sean A.; Moore, Thomas A.; Moore, Ana L.; Gust, Devens.  纳米技术 2009, (20), 505203 (10 pp).

卟啉基空穴导电电聚合物. 保罗·里德尔.; Gervaldo, Miguel; Bridgewater, James W.; 艾米·Keirstead著.; Lin, Su; Moore, Thomas A.; Moore, Ana L.; Gust, Devens. 材料化学 2008, 20 (1), 135-142.


鲍彻,M.A. Keirstead,. E. 为ACS全国会议做准备. inChemistry (2018年冬季第27卷). 在线下载:http://inchemistry.acs.org/content/inchemistry/en/acs-and-you/getting-ready-for-an-acs-national-meeting.html (3/8/18)

鲍彻,M.A. Keirstead,. E. 如何获得令人敬畏的推荐 信. inChemistry (2018年冬季第27卷). 网上: http://inchemistry.acs.org/content/inchemistry/en/college-life/recommendation-letter.html (12/4/17)

Keirstead,. 缅因州地方分会召集学生分会领袖. 化学与工程新闻, 95 (47), p 36. (2017)


美国化学学会科学教练 program; with co-applicant Seth Staples (Messalonskee High School/Sacopee Valley High School). 2013-14和2014-15,每个周期500美元.



MRI: Acquisition of a Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Instrument for 研究 and Teaching. Ursula Roese PI; with co-PIs Amy Deveau, Teresa Dzieweczynski, Amy Keirstead and Stephan Zeeman. 国家科学基金会2012,137,527美元.


Using the photo-Fries reaction as a photochemical probe to quantify the cage effects of ionic liquids (PI). Submitted to the American Chemical Society Petroleum 研究 Fund Undergraduate New Investigator Program, 2011, $50,000.



Exploring the Influence of Organized Media on the Photoluminescence Behavior of Siloles (私家侦探,联合私家侦探杰罗姆·穆林和汉克·特雷西). Submitted to the Maine Space Grant Consortium Maine Space Grant 教育 and Seed 研究 Program (MSG/ESR), 2010年5月, $25,000.



I am interested in how photochemical probe systems can be used to learn about the microscopic properties of novel heterogeneous materials such as ionic liquids and zeolites for applications in nanotechnology (molecular electronics, 人工光合作用)以及绿色化学过程.

